Our team has decades of experience having worked in different capacities including teacher, professor, principal, school administrator, school district leadership trainer, and federal funding coordinator.
We’re committed to helping schools improve the quality of their educational systems, as well as the efficiency of their internal operations.
Read more about our leadership team below.

Errol Bedford
Errol Bedford has demonstrated organizational leadership ability and success throughout his professional career. As a Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities & Colleges award recipient, Errol helped impact two complex societal issues to a successful resolution, thus initiating his reputation as a complex problem solver. Errol’s organizational skills continued to evolve after his distinguished college career by displaying an exceptional ability to build organizational systems and departments from the ground up. His comprehensive work creating systems and departments at United Business Institute Inc., Columbia University and Ventures Education Systems Inc., led to his decision to become a college professor and administrator.
His 14-year career as a professor and administrator at the College of New Rochelle in New York was highlighted by his recognition as the first college professor to develop an undergraduate course specifically designed to prepare undergraduate students for the rigors of graduate school studies. This professional honor fostered Errol’s decision to become a private consultant for government agencies, non-profit organizations, private corporations, and educational institutions. His distinguished list of clients includes:
- The United States Chamber of Commerce
- DynCorp International
- Huntleigh USA Corporation
- SecureWatch24
- Public School 160 (The Disney School)
- Harriet Tubman Charter School
- The Mosholu Montefiore Community Center
- B’nai Jeshurun Synagogue
Errol’s success as a private consultant was instrumental in creating Synergy Alliance LLC, the private consulting company he still owns. Now as President of Higher Learning Network Inc., Errol has taken on the challenge of building an education consulting corporation that provides quality education for the youth of this nation. Errol and his HLN Inc. partners are uniquely qualified and determined to change the landscape of the term “quality education”.

Reggie Stephens
Vice President
Reggie Stephens began his career in education in 1992. As the Vice President of HLN, Reggie works directly with the president to support the mission and vision of the organization. He provides principals and building administrators with leadership development through individualized coaching. He supports schools in designing and implementing sustainable instructional systems and structures while working with leaders to develop assessment policies and protocols that maximize instructional efficiency and effectiveness. Reggie is a former school district leadership trainer, school principal, federal funding coordinator and classroom teacher. He holds an Ed.S. degree in Educational Leadership, a M.Ed. degree in Educational Leadership and a B.S. degree in Early Childhood Education.