These services are provided by HLN Initiatives Incorporated

We believe every child deserves a quality education. Recognizing the potential of the charter school movement to remedy our country’s educational inequities, we are dedicated to empowering the charter sector with financial knowledge, accounting services and back office support delivered by our expert team of consultants. We specialize in providing Charter Schools with support in business operations, instructional coaching and the overall management structure of the Charter School. When it comes to accounting, finance and managing public dollars, HLN provides all of the services and knowledge charter schools need to thrive and be successful. With HLN focused on the financial operations, charter schools are free to focus on what they do best – educating our country’s children.

With the right partnership, running a successful charter school comes down to simple mathematical formula: Quality Instruction
+ Expert Financial and Operational Guidance
+ Expert leadership Support
= Student Achievement

We will tailor our Charter School Management services to fit your school’s individual needs.